Your foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons, muscles and ligaments! That’s a lot of anatomy in a relatively small package to support the entire body
The foot accounts for 25% of the bones in the body
The average person takes about 10,000 steps per day. That’s equal to 115,000 miles in a lifetime, enough to circle the earth 4 times
An average woman walks 3 miles per day more than an average man
There are roughly 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet, producing about half a pint of moisture a day
The pressure on the feet when running can be as much as 4 times the runner’s actual body weight
9 out of 10 women buy shoes that are too small for them
Women experience foot problems 4 times more often than men
Fingernails and toenails grow 4 times faster during pregnancy, hot weather and teenage years
The ancient Romans were the first to make the left and right shoes. Before that, shoes could be worn on either foot
The average foot gets 2 sizes longer when the person stands up
Feet can pick up a nasty array of diseases
such as verrucae, athlete's foot and ringworm in communal changing rooms and showers
For a wide range of foot care treatments, look no further than Kettering Foot Health Clinic. Our fees
are very competitive and we provide you with effective treatments for an array of problems.